Reasons Why Hooded Jackets Are Always Winter Trending

hooded jackets

If you ask anyone about their most favorite thing to wear that is comfortable and relaxing, most probably the answer will be their hooded jackets.  

Did you know that hooded garments are not a recent fad but have been around since the 12th century? However, the hooded iteration that we see today appeared around the 1930s when a US company called Champion made the first hooded sweatshirt. They became a raging trend after the 1976 film “Rocky.” Nowadays, hooded sweatshirts are the preferred outwear for most teenagers, while the majority of the adults are also partial towards this lounge wear. 

Regardless, there are a few situations where a hoodie will not work, for example, at a business lunch or a dinner date. In such cases, you would need an equally comfortable replacement, which protects you against the elements and looks presentable.

Hooded leather jackets

Men’s leather hooded jackets are more approachable, can be styled in multiple ways, and work well when the temperatures drop. They are the perfect amalgamation of athleisure wear and chic leather jackets, two of the most iconic outwears. Moreover, the hood protects your head and ears from the chilly winds, and the best part is that it does not flatten your hair.

You can now find hoods attached to various styles of leather jackets. The hood can be of the same material or a different fabric as the jacket, sewn in the neckline separately. When the hood is made of leather, the entire garment appears seamless without any clear lines or stitching. In the case of sweat hoods, they are attached to additional panels attached to the inner front parts of the jacket, so it looks like you are wearing a sweatshirt under your leather jacket.    

If you need more convincing, here are a few reasons why hooded jackets are always trending every winter, just as they do in the spring.

Hooded jackets are highly functional

One of the obvious purposes of investing in a quality jacket is that it keeps you warm during the colder months, making it one of the essential winter clothing items. It keeps you sheltered against chilly winds and prevents you from getting soaked in the rain.

With a hood added to your jacket, you get enhanced protection and a little flexibility. It keeps your head and ears nice and toasty when the weather is cold and saves you the hassle of carrying extra headgear. When the temperatures get bearable, you can take off your hood without compromising the style factor of your looks.

Moreover, a few designs come with a detachable hoodie, so you can easily remove it to transform your leather jacket into its traditional glory. Consequently, you can wear it in two ways and maximize your potential.  

Learn more about bicast leather.

Hooded jackets are versatile

A fine hooded jacket is extremely versatile, and you can style it in a multitude of ways, especially with good cowboy boots! Even though it is considered towards the casual end of the fashion spectrum, you can wear it on many occasions. 

One of the easiest ensembles to pull off is a black jacket paired with dark wash jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. The hooded jacket adds a little oomph to the unassuming t-shirt and jeans combo, making you look effortlessly voguish. 

To rock your jacket in a formal setting, pair it with mustard chinos and opt for a shirt with monochromatic vertical strips to offset the solid colors. Complete the outfit with classy brogues for a well-put-together look, which works splendidly for an official lunch or a family gathering.

For the ultimate grunge look, wear an oversize, baggy white t-shit over light jeans and your fitted jacket over it to attain some definition. Rock ankle-high, sturdy work boots for a head-to-toe edgy look. 

You can even wear this popular outerwear to work, depending on your office culture. Of course, certain corporate environments have a conservative dress code, including a button-down shirt and slacks. However, there is no reason why you cannot wear your favorite jacket if you work in a more relaxed environment. Simply pair it with straight-cut trousers, sporting clean lines, and sophisticated oxfords or loafers.   

The hooded leather jacket offers endless styling opportunities that all come down to your personal style and preference in clothing. 

Hooded jackets are unique and remarkably stylish

A high-quality leather hooded jacket is a stylish and multifunctional addition to any wardrobe you seek to clear up to simplicity. It is a practical and relatively newer iteration of the classic leather jacket making it one of the most fashionable and contemporary outwear.

The best thing about the hooded jacket is that it combines streetwear with high fashion, bringing you the best of both worlds. It borrows the “cool” factor from the leather coat while retaining the comfort of a hoodie. You can have one as a present for both colleagues and boss. A few designs come with a fur lining around the edge of the hood, which makes the entire vibe on the jacket even more luxe and sophisticated.  

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Hooded jackets are a good investment

Hooded jackets are relatively new to the fashion scene as compared to their counterparts. However, they are not going out of fashion anytime soon, if ever. So, choose a sturdy jacket in a style, color, and fit that suits you the most, so that it can last you for a long time and accompany you for numerous winters. 

In addition, well-constructed jackets are a league apart from their cheaper variety regarding style, warmth, and functionality. Therefore, ensure that the material is of the highest quality, with smoothly gliding zippers and neat stitching, before finalizing the purchase. 

Still not convinced in a good leather hooded jacket?

Here’s what experts have to say:

“At best, you should take yours to a good dry cleaner to avoid impossible-to-repair cracks or even shrinkage,” says dry cleaning pick up & delivery agent Maria Savanti. “Genuine leather needs an entirely different approach than the commonly used materials for clothing. You just can’t dry stuff in your sauna. As long as you put diligent care and love to yours, it will last you for decades to come.” she adds.

“There are very few materials out there, to match the longevity and looks of leather,” says leather cleaning professional Samuel Bagg. “Just like with furnishing, the leather used in clothing is of extreme durability and performance, when it comes to rains, temperature drops, even hits, as it could save you from a blade,” he adds.

Final thoughts

Fashion trends change every season, but a few versatile and classic pieces make a comeback annually. The leather jacket is a clothing item that does not lose its charm and personality even after multiple years. With a hood, the quintessential leather coat has become a popular feature amongst the masses and more accessible to the younger generation.      

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