When it comes to building a new home, you can bet your last dime that it is bound to be expensive. Apart from purchasing the land and ensuring that the purchase is completely legal, you may want to review the locality in question. If it happens to be in the residential zone, you can bet that the realtor is bound to increase his rates. Apart from this, you would have to pay to get the land cleared of all debris before you start planning your new home. And you’re bound to worry about what it is bound to cost, which is why you need to check out the rest of the post.
Location matters:
The first thing you need to get done before you purchase any new property or land is to approach a few builders in Waikato. That should clue you in as to what expenses you would have to meet when it comes to your new home. The median cost of building a new home is often pegged anywhere between $375,000 and $400,000. And that’s just the start of it, apart from working out the cost of building, with the labor and manpower included, you would also have to set apart some additional funds for unexpected repairs and issues that are bound to crop up, as the construction begins. Just remember that the location you select to build your new home would factor in when it comes to the actual cost of construction. For example, a commercial area with lots of noise pollution may not cost as much as a residential neighborhood. So select your desired location carefully.
Get the required permits and the plan cleared:
Once you have managed to get contractors to clear your property and level the land, the next stage would include obtaining the required permits and getting the building plan cleared. And that’s why you need to consult the local builders and see if they offer a complete package deal. That way, you would not have to chase any officials to get the building plan approved or the plans cleared. Keep in mind that while a few do offer the complete package, not everyone does which means that you may still have to handle the grunge job on your own. And also no construction company would offer you the complete package out of the sheer goodness of their hearts and would tend to charge heavily for the same. If you are worried about the expense, then you can opt to get it sorted out on your own and save yourself the additional expense.
Breaking the ground:

Once that’s done, it’s finally time to build a new home and your construction crew should be ready on hand to break the ground. As a homeowner, you can choose from the various types of foundation for your new home but one of the cheapest happens to be concrete. Apart from the foundation, you can also get them to build you a basement and requisite crawl spaces as well.
Finishing the work:
You would be well-advised to check on the crew regularly to ensure that they are completing the construction according to the agreed schedule. After the foundation is set, the crew should be ready to start building the frame for the new home. Think of it as the skeleton of your building; after which, the crew should be ready to start adding the external elements, such as the roof, windows, doors. Once that’s done, the roof would generally be covered with roofing felt and nailed onto the shingles for additional support, until the rest of the work is done. With most work done, all that’s required is to add the plumbing, lighting fixtures, specialized floors, etc.
That’s it, the entire process should not take more than 1-3 months but it also depends on the season. Good luck.