Four Diet Hurdles and How to Overcome Them

One of the hardest parts of successful dieting is actually sticking with a diet. These are some of the most common diet hurdles and what you can do to combat them.

Too Busy

Image via Flickr by with wind

Life can easily get in the way of dieting. When you are running around all day dropping the kids off at school, attempting to make it work on time, and then managing the household chores, sticking to a diet might seem unrealistic. Quickly grabbing something from the drive-thru or filling up on unhealthy snacks seems faster and more convenient.

If your life is full of meetings and commitments, consider meal planning. Planning ahead can help you to stay in control on your busiest days. Plan to grocery shop for healthy foods on one of your slower days of the week. Plan out your meals for the rest of the week, and you can push the thought of healthy eating to the back of your head.

Too Hungry

Many people complain that diets leave them feeling hungry all the time. While it is important to cut down on unhealthy foods, it is not necessary to walk around feeling hungry all day. Instead of focusing on avoiding foods, focus on choosing foods that are healthier and more beneficial to your weight loss goals.

If your diet is making you hungry all the time, it could be that you are not getting all of the recommended nutrients that your body requires. For example, diets that are high in protein can give you energy, improve your metabolism, and help you feel full throughout the day.

Not Portioning Correctly

Dieting does not mean that you have to give up all of your favourite foods. In most cases, it is still perfectly fine to consume your favourite meals, as long as you do so in moderation. Portioning is one of the easiest ways to stick to a diet without actually feeling like you are on a diet.

Many people do not actually know what a healthy portion looks like. We live in a fast-food world where portions continue to increase in size. Calculate your current calorie intake and then compare that to your ideal calorie intake. Then factor in the appropriate portions needed to stay within those dietary limits.


Overeating is also sometimes associated with boredom. Many of us have become accustomed to eating out of habit when in front of the TV or at a certain time of the day. Boredom eating can be particularly difficult to overcome because that habit needs to be replaced with something else.

Recognizing that you are eating out of boredom is the first step to avoiding it. Ask yourself if you are actually hungry or if you are tired or just killing time. If hunger is not likely, consider going for a walk or relaxing with a nap.

There are many factors that can contribute to a failed diet. Knowing ahead of time what these hurdles are can help you plan to overcome them.

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