3 Things SEO Experts Don’t Want to Tell You

Like any other profession, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts, who gain income by helping website owners rank on search engines, benefit from their technical knowledge and skills. While it’s possible to Google your way up to success, do-it-yourself SEO learning can be a tedious task, time-consuming, and frustrating, most especially if you’re in a rush to ramp up into search engine results pages.

However, did you know that there are things SEO experts won’t tell their clients? Let’s find out what they are and the reasons behind it.

SEO Guaranteed Ranking Is Impossible

SEO services aim to make a website more relevant, useful and targeted based on Google algorithm that changes from time to time. Google ranks websites using a mathematical algorithm, which ranks the most useful and relevant web page. It takes into account more than 200 factors – not merely content, keyword search, and building links.

That’s why Google also warn people about SEOs claiming to guarantee rankings, like those who promise “priority to submit.” While SEO agencies or SEO experts provide useful services, such as SEO training, content development, keyword research, or give technical advice like the use of JavaScript, hosting, and redirects, it’s impossible to provide a guaranteed ranking due to a lot of variables Google use to rank a website.

Here are the recommendations of Google to kickstart your SEO:

  • If you’re running a small local business, you can take a DIY SEO using Google’s suggested resources. Also, there are other helpful SEO guides you might want to consider, such as Beginner’s Guide to SEO – Hook Agency.
  • It’ll take time for any website owner to see the results of any SEO strategy or campaign, which can range from four months up to one year once you start making changes. You can always seek professional help from guys like Toronto SEO Experts if you think it’s necessary.
  • There’s no such thing as “priority to submit” in Google. The only way you can submit a site or web page to Google directly is to submit a Sitemap or through Google’s ‘Add URL page’. This step can be done at no cost.

SEO Experts Can’t Control Search Engines

You might find SEO agencies claiming to control search engines. Some would even change the prices of ads in real-time to show clients that search engines rapidly change SEO, abide by SEO rules, and spend on costly ad trends. However, this statement is impossible to happen. Google already said that its advertising section is far different and separate from SEO results.

While SEO experts come handy if you don’t want to mess up trying your luck via DIY SEO, rogue SEO agencies tend to use bad SEO practices to obtain higher rankings in a short time span to show that they’re able to control search engines. However, doing so will just put your website at a higher risk of not hitting your goals over time.

Once Google and other search engines find out about these ill practices, there might be negative impacts on your site ranking and performance metrics. That’s why it’s important to deal with a trusted, reliable, and experienced SEO expert who’s willing to share the secrets of SEO for transparency, your peace of mind, and greater success.

Here are the warning signs that you’re dealing with a scam SEO:

  • Guarantees ranking
  • Place links to previous clients 
  • Owns shadow domains
  • Selling address bar keywords 
  • Cannot distinguish between ads and actual search results on SERPs (search results pages)
  • Operates with falsified WHOIS info or multiple aliases 
  • Obtains traffic from spyware, scumware, or “fake” search engines
  • Has domains not listed in Google

SEO Experts Cannot Do Everything

Of course, many SEO experts are legitimate, and not telling you that they can’t do everything doesn’t necessarily mean they’re deceitful. 

As a website owner, you also have responsibilities to do. You cannot expect the SEO agency to do everything. You have to determine your target audience, mission, brand, and how to handle operations.

If you want to be successful and hit your SEO and website goals, you have to work closely with SEO experts all throughout the process. Remember, SEO is complex, ever-changing, and requires updates and learning in the lifetime of your website. Even after you seek professional help, you still need to manage your SEO to ensure a consistent and satisfying ranking in search engines.


To help you achieve your website and business goals, SEO experts are your best friend. They don’t necessarily scam clients just because they don’t say these things. However, it’s important to still remain keen on knowing the warning signs of a scam SEO agency to avoid the long-term and ill consequences of implementing bad SEO practices. 

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